
So excited that the following published haiku have been added to The Living Haiku Anthology.

ebb tide
unexpected finds
in my mind

NFTG  3:1, June 2011

weighing words
all the way home
crescent moon

NFTG 3:3, December 2011

the stranger speaks

Chrysanthemum  No.11, April 2012

harvest time
a child in a wheelchair
gathering light

A Hundred Gourds 2:2 March 2013
German version with Haiku heute, November 2012

sipping the light
from an orange

WHA Haiga Contest 116, January 2014
German version with Haiku heute, December 2013

longest night
balancing his words
in a brush stroke

Heron’s Nest  Volume XV1 No. 1: March 2014

swapping smiles
with a mountain monk
peach tree in bloom

Meguro International Haiku Circle, Tokyo, May 2014

autumn waves
the vacancy
inside my uterus

Chrysanthemum 16, October 2014

"... In the tradition of the adage to show not tell, the role of the LHA is to gather together in one “arboretum” works published by a wide range of editors and poets as haiku — beyond national, regional, linguistic, philosophical and theological distinctions: to become a living treasury for visitors — poets, cultural critics and lovers, alike. Our role is not to determine, direct or circumscribe the genre. By encompassing all styles and approaches to haiku we hope to provide an umbrella for the many strands of international haiku, from a global perspective, for the benefit of those able to discern those true gems assurgent in the current foment...." Dr. Richard Gilbert, The Living Haiku Anthology

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